Limb anomalies and syndromes of the craniofacial complex I.Morphogenesis and dysmorphogenesis of the limbs.

P. N. Synodinos, M. I. Papagrigorakis
Hellenic Orthodontic Review 2002;5:129-150.

Limb anomalies and syndromes of the craniofacial complex I.Morphogenesis and dysmorphogenesis of the limbs.
P. N. Synodinos, M. I. Papagrigorakis
Hellenic Orthodontic Review 2002;5:129-150.

It has been observed that occurrence of craniofacial complex anomalies is combined with manifestation of limb anomalies in many syndromes. A common denominator explaining the simultaneous presence of these anomalies may be revealed through the evolution of molecular biology and genetics. It is well known that, often, during embryogenesis, the same genes are expressed for the development of various anatomic structures, a fact recognized as economy of Nature.
Analysis of the fundamental mechanisms involved in limb development and identification of corresponding craniofacial complex morphogenetic mechanisms constitute the first steps towards understanding the etiopathogenesis of anomalies concerning both limbs and craniofacial complex in many syndromes. The ultimate goal is prevention and effective management of such conditions.
The aim of part I of this study is to describe, on the basis of contemporary literature, the mechanisms of limb development emphasizing especially their possible relationship with corresponding morphogenetic mechanisms of the craniofacial complex. Part II will refer to limb manifestations of certain characteristic syndromes of the craniofacial complex.