Clear Aligners Course
Dr Akim Benattia
Athens 25-26.06.2022
Message from the President
After the significant success of the 17th International Symposium of the Greek Orthodontic Society, and continuing our educational program, it is a great pleasure and honor for the Board of Trustees to invite you to the two-day seminar on “The digital workflow for in-office aligner fabrication” in Athens, with Dr. Akim Benattia, a distinguished speaker on aligner orthodontics. The seminar is sponsored by Orthoshop – Royal Orthodontics.
The first day of the seminar [June 25, 2022, The Golden Age Hotel], will include a general presentation on orthodontic aligner treatment, import and preparation of digital casts, practice of the Aligner module of the OnyxCeph3TM program, the use of attachments and the definition of steps of treatment, the creation of intermediate stages in treatment, and the presentation of clinical cases. The first day of the seminar will be conducted in a hybrid form, i.e., with both physical presence and online attendance.
The second day of the seminar [June 26, 2022, The Golden Age Hotel] will include the design and construction of a case from start to finish, the use of digital aids, the selection of the 3D printer, the selection of thermoplastic material for the aligners, the stages of aligner construction and the presentation of clinical cases. The second day of the seminar will be conducted in person.
More information about the program and how to register can be found in the attached files.
The Board of Trustees of the Greek Orthodontic Society would like to thank Orthoshop -Royal Orthodontics for its sponsorship and believes that the scientific program will contribute to quality education and training of those attending.
Looking forward to seeing you face to face again.
Yours sincerely,
Associate Professor Eleftherios G. Kaklamanos
President, Greek Orthodontic Society
Dr. Akim Benattia
General Secretary of the French Aligner Society
Member of the European, German and Japan Aligner Societies
International speaker since 2015 in France, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Greece
Speaker at different certification courses for Air Nivol and Lyra in France, Morocco, Taiwan, Ukraine , Spain, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Tunisia since 2015
Training of interns in the department of orthodontics at the university of Monastir (Tunisia), 2010 to 2017
Assistant in the department of orthodontics at CHU Cochin (Paris, France) 1993-1998
Lecturer at many orthodontics congresses
SATURDAY 25.06.2022
VENUE: The Golden Age Hotel, 57, Michalacopoulou Street, Athens, Greece
09.00- 09.30: Registration
09.30-11.00: About the workflow for in office aligner fabrication. Import and prepare the files, Aligner Module, at your own laptop*
11.00-11.30: Coffee break – trade exhibition visit
11.30-13.00: Working with the Aligner module of the Onyxcheph3TM at your own laptop* – Attachment use and definition of the steps using the Onyxcheph3TM at your own laptop*
13.00-14.00: Lunch break – trade exhibition visit
14.00-16.00: Staging with Onyxcheph3TM at your own laptop* – Clinical Cases Presentation
Available for physical attendance and as live streaming course.
SUNDAY 26.06.2022
VENUE: The Golden Age Hotel, 57, Michalacopoulou Street, Athens, Greece
10.00-11.30: The participants can plan one case with the instructions of the speaker and his team. We will print the 1st set of models and make the 1st set of aligners.
11.30-12.00: Coffee break – trade exhibition visit
12.30-14.00: Tips and tricks for the process and the use of the right tools, the vacuum or pressure thermoforming machines and the aligner materials. Printing of 3D Models and manufacturing of aligners – Clinical Cases Presentation
ATTENTION! The Sunday Seminar is only with physical attendance and with extreme limited availability. Priority will be given for participants who have already bought or leased the OnyxCeph3TM software.
* All attendees will get the trial version of the Onyxcheph3TM for use at their own laptop for the hands-on course training.
To register for the seminar kindly make a deposit to the bank account of the Greek Orthodontic Society in Piraeus Bank (Account number: 6017040055641, IBAN: GR42 0171 0170 0060 1704 0055 641, BIC/SWIFT: PIRBGRAA).
The completed form together with the proof of payment should be also sent to the emails of the Greek Orthodontic Society [] and Orthoshop – Royal Orthodontics [].
Health Protocols
The Seminar will be held based on the applicable health protocols and with the ultimate goal of ensuring the health of the participants with physical presence.