Book reviews
PHOTOTYPOTIKI, Thessaloniki, 1966
Indication and frequency of X-rays in connection with orthodontic treatment. Statement by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Kieferorthopadie
July 1997 Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:87-90
Internet and Orthodontics.
P. Karvelas
Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:77-85.
Simultaneous distalization of maxillary first and second molars by means of superelastic NiTi coils.
M.A. Papadopoulos
Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:71-6.
Empiricism, inductivism, and logical reasoning in orthodontic research. Part I: Scientific progress mechanisms and the growth of knowledge.
Empiricism, inductivism, and logical reasoning in orthodontic research. Part I: Scientific progress mechanisms and the growth of knowledge.
T. Eliades, W.A. Brantley
Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:63-9.
Clinical characteristics and properties of plastic brackets: A comprehensive review
Clinical characteristics and properties of plastic brackets: A comprehensive review Α. Karamouzos, Α.Ε. Αthanasiou, Μ.Α. Papadopoulos Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:51-61. Aim of this article is to provide the clinician with an up-to-date comprehensive literature...A critical review of older and contemporary applications of biomechanical methods in orthodontics.
Ch. G. Provatidis, N.E. Toutountzakis
Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:27-49.
Lip contribution to facial harmony.
A study of en face photographs of adult Greeks with harmonious faces and Angle Class I occlusion. I. Ioannidou-Marathiotou, D. Spatoulas, A. Kalogiannidis Hellenic Orthodontic Review 1998;1:11-26.
Ελληνική Ορθοδοντική Επιθεώρηση 1998;1:11-26.