Προσυνεδριακό σεμινάριο

Understanding occlusion and straight-wire appliance

Using a certain bracket prescription will not do miracles. It won’t turn difficult cases into easy ones or secure your financial well-being. But using the right prescription and understanding how to optimize it, will allow you to achieve a higher level of finishing in most of your cases.

The question that you should ask yourself is why you use a certain bracket prescription and whether you know the values of tip and torque prescribed. Roth and MBT prescription have been widely used and are the giants on which shoulders we sit. However, progression is not only possible but desirable and there are significant improvements still possible in regard to the straight wire prescription.

This course will show you how it is possible today to simplify achieving excellent finishing results by knowing brackets prescription and by adopting small variations in its clinical use.

Pre-cougress course outline:

Part 1 Why do we want to obtain a certain occlusion?

Part 2 What should the ideal occlusion look like? Understanding occlusion beyond the 6 keys

Part 3 Understanding and optimizing straight wire treatment

Part 4 Advanced straight wire mechanics

Short Curriculum Vitae

Stefano Troiani graduated at the University of Aarhus (Denmark) orthodontic program and received his MSc in Orthodontics in 2003. He has maintained a private practice in Denmark from 2003 to 2018 and in Germany since 2008. He worked as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Orthodontics of the University of Aarhus from 2005 to 2007. He has been the Scientific Director of the Alpe Adria Face Master held at the University of Graz, Ljubljana, and Zagreb in 2012-2013. He has been a Consultant Orthodontist at the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery of the Hospital of Sønderborg (Denmark) from 2008 to 2009 and at the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery of the University Hospital of Odense (Denmark) from 2008 to 2018. He is currently in private practice in Switzerland and Germany and serves as an advisor in the orthodontic industry. He has held more than 150 lectures and courses internationally.

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