Message from the Congress Coordinator

Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, Orthodontics is developing at a rapid pace and the challenges we face are varied both in terms of modern forms of management, as well as in terms of the daily clinical practice.

The scientific program has been designed in order to provide the most modern requirements of our science and to inform the clinicians as well as the academic colleagues with the most up-to-date knowledge of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. For this reason the program has been enriched with some of the most prestigious professors and also with some of the most experienced clinical orthodontists who will present topics related to: new technologies, new and modified therapeutic techniques of fixed orthodontic appliances, the cooperation and intervention of periodontics, clear aligners, myofunctional therapy, the evaluation of smile as a treatment success factor, environmental issues related to Orthodontics and finally craniofacial syndromes and clefts.

Believing that special attention was paid to the design of the scientific program in order to expand and re-evaluate our knowledge, I would like to invite all colleagues to participate in the proceedings of the conference with the belief that the meeting will be constructive for all of us.

Best regards,

Apostolos I. Tsolakis
f. Associate Professor of Orthodontics, NKUA, Athens
Adjunct Associate Professor of Orthodontics CWRU, USA