Professor Vaska Vandevska-Radunovic


Vaska Vandevska-Radunovic received her DMD and MSc in orthodontics at the University “Kiril i Metodij” in Skopje. She continued her orthodontic training at the University of Bergen, Norway 1990-1992, where she obtained her PhD (doctor odont) in 1998. She is currently Professor and Head of the Department of Orthodontics, University of Oslo, Norway and is involved in the education and research activity of graduate, post-graduate and doctoral students. For six years she was a member of the Continuing education committee of the Norwegian Association of Orthodontists. She is President elect for the EOS in 2023 and Secretary of the NEBEOP Board. She is Associate Editor of Clinical and Experimental Dental Research and member of the Editorial board of the World Journal of Orthodontics and Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. Her main areas of interest are tissue reactions during orthodontic tooth movement and relapse, retention procedures and long-term outcome of orthodontic treatment and the effect of orthodontic treatment on periodontal health.

Lecture 1: “Stability of orthodontic treatment results – influencing factors”

It is generally assumed that appropriate orthodontic therapy will provide long-term stable treatment results. Extraction of teeth, presence of third molars and mandibular canine-to-canine distance are among some of the factors considered responsible for treatment stability. However, the need for retention after the end of orthodontic treatment seems inevitable.  Retention procedures as contributing factors to long-term stability are widely accepted, but the type of retention appliances and the duration of the retention protocol are still a source of controversy among professionals. The presentation will highlight existing evidence on long-term stability, influencing factors, discuss recent guidelines for retention procedures and draw attention to the developing craniofacial complex as a source of uncertainty for treatment stability.

Lecture 2: “Treatment alternatives for impacted teeth in the anterior segment”

Impaction of teeth in the anterior maxillary region is relatively low, and although usually asymptomatic, its effect on function and aesthetics is detrimental for the patient. The treatment is often interdisciplinary and long lasting. In most cases, the general dentists are the first to see these patients. Therefore, it is necessary to inform them about early detection and timely intervention to prevent possible complications. The treatment in these cases is often depending on the etiology of impaction, position of the impacted tooth and the ability to move the tooth into the dental arch. Different treatment options will be presented, together with an overview of the literature on diagnosis, management and treatment of impacted maxillary incisors and canines.