Dr. Julia Haubrich

Studies of dentistry at the University of Freiburg (Albert Ludwigs Universität) final exam 2001, dissertation 2002.

Working as general dentist in practices in Munich and Karlsruhe 2002-2003

Postgraduate student in Orthodontics in the private practice of Dr. Werner Schupp, Cologne from 2003-2005

2006 Postgraduate student in Orthodontics at the Universty of Berlin (Charité Universität), department of orthodontics, director Mr Prof. Dr. R.R. Miethke, certified specialist of “orthodontics” in 2007

Collaboration in the orthodontic private practice of Dr. Werner Schupp, Dr. Julia Haubrich and Dr. Julia Funke in Cologne- Rodenkirchen since 2007

International and national clinical Speaker for Align Technology since 2005

Founding member and Conference President of the German society of Aligner orthodontics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie, DGAO)

Member of the European society of Aligner Orthodontics

Lecturer Medical University Innsbruck, Austria

Co-Author of the book “Funktionslehre in der Kieferorthopädie” 2012 of Quintessence Publisher, Berlin

Author of the book ”Aligner Orthodontics” of Dr. Werner Schupp, Dr. Julia Haubrich, published 2015 of Quintessence Publisher, Berlin (translated in Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese)

Editor of the journal „Journal of Aligner Orthodontics“ published first in 2017 by Quintessence publisher, Berlin

Numerous publications of articles concerning orthodontic aligner therapy in several national and international journals

20 years of aligners orthodontics – Is fixed therapy going to disappear?

After years of experience with the Invisalign system, almost all tooth movements can be performed with Invisalign aligners orthodontics alone or in combination with other techniques. Thereby aligner orthodontics has become established worldwide and counts as being one of the most innovative orthodontic techniques. The treatment offers a variety of advantages compared to fixed appliance techniques for young and elder patients. Still, some aspects need to be considered and not underestimated. The presentation will try to bring into light potential future scenarios of the orthodontic market.