15o Διεθνές Συμπόσιο της Ορθοδοντικής Εταιρείας της Ελλάδος

20-21 & 22 Απριλίου 2018
Mauro Cozzani

Mauro Cozzani


Low compliance class II treatments: lower incisor and occlusal plane control


One of Class II treatment side effects, when elastics or bite jumping appliances are utilized, is excessive proclination of lower incisors (which could reduce the possible mandibular advancement and produce gingival recessions), moreover occlusal plane clockwise rotation is another drawback of this techniques.

TADs have been utilized to control incisor proclination, however their effect is controversial, during the lecture it will be demonstrate clinically an innovative and efficient method that utilizes TADs and elastics, researches will be produced as well as some innovative use of class II elastics and miniscrews to control occlusal plane rotation.

Curriculum vitae

Professor and Director: Master in Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics), United Campus of Malta HEI, (Malta); Director: EIMS-UFP Specialty in Orthodontics; visiting Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, Alexandria University (Egypt); Professore a c. Scuola di Specializzazione in Ortodonzia, Università di Cagliari (Italy) and adjunct faculty at Seton Hill University Orthodontic Department, Greensburg, PA (USA).
President SITeBi.
Member: ASE, EHASO (East component), IBO, (President 2006-07), EBO (Chairman of the Examiners 2009-11, President 2012-15), ABO, WFO, AAO, EOS and SIDO. Co-editor “Progress in Orthodontics” (2004-07). Past president (2005) of ASIO (Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics), founder and and past president (2007-09) of AIdOr (Italian Academy of Orthodontics).
He published more than 80 papers in journals listed in Pubmed, one book and several chapters in orthodontic books.